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Description of Angel Multimodal Application

The Angel Multimodal Application (Angel-MM) is an iPhone application that enables users to engage Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems in real-time multimodal interactions. Users are able to engage the IVR in the traditional way of speaking, pushing buttons, and listening, as well as typing responses, reading text, and looking at images pushed to the user by the IVR.

The Angel-MM Application enables anyone to deploy a multimodal application right from Angels Site Builder tool without coding. Users will be able to build their voice applications and configure the interaction points with the Angel-MM App right from their browser.

Multimodality provides the Voice User Interface designer with the ability to select which mode of communication to use when interacting with a user: showing the user a picture is far more effective than describing it; enabling the user to type a sequence of digits is more effective than asking them to speak it and then having them listen to the system speak it back for verification.

To initiate a multimodal interaction, the user calls the IVR by dialing a phone number. The IVR will then send a Push Notification to the phone, asking for permission to engage the user multimodally. Once the user enters into the multimodal interaction, the IVR will be able to communicate with the user by voice, text, and images.

NOTE: This application works only on iPhones that can support simultaneous data and cellular communication. Therefore, in the US, it will not work on a Verizon iPhone.

To find out more about the Angel-MM Application, contact us at [email protected]

Features of Version 1.0 of the Angel-MM Application
• User can communicate with IVR by:
Speaking over the phone.
Sending text over the iPhone application interface.

• IVR can communicate with user by:
Playing audio prompts over the phone.
Sending text to the iPhone application interface.
Sending images to the iPhone application interface.

How To Use The Angel-MM Application
1. Click on the Angel-MM Application icon to launch the application, enter your iPhone phone number in the text box that appears, and then click "OK" to register with the Push Notification Service. Note that this step is required only once. In case you enter the wrong number by mistake, you can re-register the phone by going to the Settings section of the application.

2. To start the multimodal interaction with the IVR, call 832-460-2024, using the normal phone application of the iPhone. You will see a popup window requesting permission to enter the multimodal mode. Accept this request. You will be guided through the multimodal interaction.

NOTE 1: The IVR will guide you through the Multimodal interaction and what you need to do on the application.

NOTE 2: Your iPhone number is collected only to identify your call when you call the IVR. There is no other use made of your phone number.